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Monday, September 2, 2013


Jumping on the teacher bandwagon and doing a "Currently" like I've seen so many other doings.  I wonder if this will motivate me?

Listening - Listening to the the washing machine and dryer.  Every year I say that I will do laundry during the week so I won't be stuck on Sunday nights in a panic.  I started off well, but have found myself, in a panic with laundry. Bright side...?  At least its not the weekend, but Monday?

Loving - So speaking of being "not the weekend, but Monday"...I am LOVING the extra day! Don't get me wrong, I love my job.  But is so nice to have an extra day on the weekend.  Especially near the beginning of the school year when we are all SO tired. :)

Thinking - I would really like to go some place cooler over Winter Break.  Every year we say we are going to do it, but we don't.  A lot depends on if my husband will be at a new job.  Even if a few days, it would be nice.

Wanting - I NEED more time during my Reading Block.  We adopted a new series this year and I am finding that it is incredibly teacher led.  I am having a hard time finding even a minute to be able to group students.  I so hope that I find my groove and extra time, soon.

Needing - Besides my "Need" above, I really need to finish lesson plans.  As a team, we have each taken 6 weeks to plan.  Mine are almost complete, but my 6 weeks is approaching fast.  Need to get a move on!

For Me - 
1 - I downloaded the C25K app on my phone.  I started the program.  But, as pre-planning came along and then the first few weeks of school happened, my running time did not.  I need to get fit.  I am not happy with the current me.  This month I WILL re-start the program.  When I did it, I felt so much better.
2 - I also need to get some new clothes.  I think I deserve it.
3 - Super Saturdays (or Sundays) - definitely need to prioritize this time with my family.  It rejuvenates us!

That's it for this month!

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Time For A Change

I haven't blogged at all in the past year.  And hadn't blogged much before that.  I had great plans for this website.  My hope was to post ideas I used in the classroom, great finds, shout outs to other bloggers, and links to my pins on Pinterest.  That did not happen, but work did.  My goal is to try to keep up with this site more and do all the things I listed above.  I am hoping a fresh new look will help inspire me!

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